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Myer’s Platinum White Rum

Myer’s Platinum White Rum


Myer’s Platinum White Rum offers the rich, caramel flavor Myers is known for, but as a more mild white rum.

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Myers’ Platinum White Rum is made from Jamaican sugarcane that is cooked into molasses to extract the maximum amount of sugar crystals. Then, the molasses is fermented and distilled using both continuous and pot still distillation to yield a crystal-clear white Jamaican rum. Myers’s Platinum Rum offers the rich, caramel flavor Myers is known for but as a more mild white rum.

Filtered through charcoal to ensure a smoother taste and eliminate aging-related coloration, Myers’s Platinum White presents an authentic, flavorful option for those seeking a lighter rum, enhancing cola, juice, and blended beverages with its rich taste and body.


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