Three Chord Strange Collaboration Small Batch Straight Bourbon

Three Chord Strange Collaboration Small Batch Straight Bourbon


Strange Collaboration is a distinctive high-proof Kentucky Straight bourbon finished in French Oak pinot noir casks that impart a unique flavor to the spirit.


Strange Collaboration is a blend of Kentucky Straight bourbon (aged between 2-6 yrs.), selected for low fusel oil content and light body, finished for three months in Strange Family French Oak pinot noir casks and bottled at 99 proof. The result is a unique expression of bourbon, high-proof with a light body. Perfect to be enjoyed neat or in a cocktail.

This rich, glaze doughnut color spirit has an aroma of complex red berries, starring cherry, currant, fresh strawberries & raspberries. The flavor starts with notes of Pinot Noir, followed by a light caramel, vanilla character, and hints of clove and black fruit. It has a silky mouthfeel, with a finish of subtle Pinot Noir notes and a mild hug.

Additional information

Weight 24 oz
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 15 in


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